Welcome to The Metro District Website!

January 2025 Newsletter [click here]
Self-Nomination Form [click here]

The North Range Village Metropolitan District

The North Range Village Metropolitan District (the District) was created in November 1999 to finance the construction of the streets, street lights, sewers, storm drains and park and open space landscaping and facilities for the Foxton Village neighborhood (228 homes) and the North Range Village neighborhood (257 homes). The cost of constructing this neighborhood infrastructure was financed through the issuance of approximately $4.3 million of debt. The District assesses property taxes on all property owners within the District in an amount sufficient to pay the semi-annual principal and interest payments on the District's debt.

As a result of the passing of Ballot Issue 5A in November 2015, the District assumed all of the responsibilities and services previously provided by the Foxton Village Homeowners Association, Inc and the North Range Village Homeowners Association, Inc. to its residents. The transfer of responsibilities was effective January 01, 2016 and, consequently, homeowners within the District no longer pay dues to an HOA (which was $400/year). All such services now provided by the District are funded through property taxes paid to the District.

To learn more about the Foxton Village and North Range Village neighborhoods, click on the respective neighborhood titles in the menu at the top of this webpage.

The District's Board is currently comprised of District residents all of whom are elected by the registered voters living in or owning property within the District. District board meetings are open to the public and are scheduled to occur on the following dates/times:

Metro District Board Meeting Schedule
April 07, 2025 (Monday) Regular board meeting [Agenda] 
Online meeting
October 08, 2025 (Wednesday) Special board meeting [Agenda]
(2025 Budget - Public Hearing)
October 08, 2025 (Wednesday) Annual Townhall Meeting [Agenda]**
All board meetings - regular and special - are open to the public. Unless noted otherwise above, all meetings start at 6:00pm and are held in the board room at Bison Ridge Recreation Center (13905 E 112th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022).
Online video conference site
https://www.gotomeet.me/DistrictBoardMeetingRoom2 Members of the public may also participate via phone using the dial-in number (646) 749-3112 and access code #534-031-373).

** - Meeting will occur at 7:00pm or immediately after the regular board meeting concludes, whichever is earlier

Trash Service
  Commerce City provides weekly trash pick-up service to the neighborhood through its contractor - Republic Services. Any questions or concerns about trash service should be directed to Republic Services at (303) 286-1200.

Additional information about your trash service can be found in the following flyer published by the City:

Trash Service Flyer


Website Accessibility Notice


Important Dates to Remember
Trash pick-up is provided by Commerce City and occurs weekly on Thursdays. If a holiday occurs during any given week, trash pick-up service is moved to Friday. Recycling pick-up occurs every other week on Thursdays (on even-numbered dates--16th, 30th, etc).

South Adams County Water & Sanitation District shuts off the irrigation water supply between October 15th and April 15th each year. (All neighborhood residents' sprinkler systems are hooked into the irrigation water system.)