Neighborhood Event Calendar

Please email the NRV Committee, attend a Committee meeting or contact the District Manager if you have suggestions or requests for future social events for the North Range Village community.
2024 Event Calendar

The 2024 event calendar is here! The NRV Committee has planned a great year of fun activities and events for your neighborhood. We hope you are able to attend one or more of these fun events. It is a great way to get to know the great people that live in our neighborhood!

March 30th (Saturday - 11:00am).......................................................................................... Easter Egg Hunt
May 18th (Saturday - 9:00am - 1pm)........................................................................................Dumpster Days
June 14th - 15th (Friday and Saturday)..............................................................................Community Yard Sale
July 13th (Saturday - 4:00pm)...........................................................................Community BBQ and Movie Night
August 6th (Tuesday - 6:00pm)............................................................................National Night Out w/ Kona Ice
September 14th -15th (Friday - Saturday)............................................................................Community Yard Sale
September 28th (Saturday - 9:00am - 1pm).................................................................................Dumpster Days 

* - Popcorn and other items will be served to ensure your kids stay wide awake for the rest of the night!